Is it just me or is it bad when you can see a forest fire from your bedroom window? I don't think I've ever been this close to a burning forest. I was having dinner saturday night and I glance up from old episodes of Degrassi High to see a red glow from behind the mountain, "oh dear" I think to myself, "how unfortunate." Halfway through episode 2 I glance out my window again to see the flames peering over one side of the mountain. To put this into perspective Degrassi High episodes are 22min long without commercial breaks, so that fire is moving really freakin' fast. Anyway today, the entire upper ridge of the mountain is in flames. Now this is a small mountain by Vancouver standards, but it's big enough that I don't giggle when I say mountain. If I was able to get my pictures from my camera to my computer I would show you just how massive this fire is. I'll tell you one thing, I would not want to be one of the brave people fighting that fire tonight.
Side note: I feel like my feet are constantly dirty. I think it's the linoleum. I've never missed carpets' uncanny ability to lock in dirt more than I do now.
How close are you to the mountain !?!
ReplyDeleteI take it, from the fact that you continued watching, of all things, Degrassi High - and also that you ramble on about linoleum and dirt - that you were/are in no danger.
Also, carpets won't help if there is a lot of dust in the air.
Close enough to run to if I wasn't so lazy. Also, I don't consider one sentence to be rambling, thank you very much! Also again, Degrassi High is/was quality Canadian programming and I would definitely risk my life to continue watching it.