Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hello, friends! I am in a fantastic mood today :-) I had my last exam last night and now I'm free to be confused about the rest of my life. Ahh decisions, how I both love and hate you!

In other news that some of you may already know, but I'm planning on cycling around Ireland when I go to visit. I was talking to girl in one of my classes, because she's planning on cycling around Turkey with her brother and friend this summer, about the merits of cycling as a form of travel. Now I'm fully motivated that I should do the same for Ireland. Granted, I'm not the best cyclist (mostly because I often forget that I own a bike and hence never use it), but I calculated how much I would need to do each day for the rough route I want to take. I would only need to average 42km a day. So I figure, I've hiked that far in a day, I must be able to cycle it with some training.

And thus begins the long distance cycling training plan that I developed for myself based on the information Google provided me :-) If you'd like to join me in my quest for numbing my bum to the pain that is bicycle seats, I'll post each week's plan on here. Although there might be mid-week changes if I was too optimistic in the beginning. So here goes...

Week 1
Sunday - 20 min
Monday - 30 min
Tuesday - 20 min
Wednesday - 40 min
Thursday - 20 min
Friday - 50 min
Saturday - 20 min
Sunday - 1 hour :S