Wednesday, January 20, 2010

School Daze

First of all I need to apologize to my one or so reader, I've been kak at updating this blog, especially since I got back from SA and I'm going to try to be better at it (watch this be my last entry for the next 6 months...knock on wood).

Now that that's out of the way, I can tell you about what's been going on in my life. Mostly just school and catching up with friends I haven't seen for a year. This is my last semester, if all goes as planned, of my undergrad and probably the most relaxing semester I've ever had. Although in hindsight this is only because I chose to take 6 classes every other term of my university career. I'm only taking 3 real classes (remote sensing, fish 2, consevation policy) and doing a thesis.

On the class department, so far so good. I've been the most organized I've ever been and have mapped out when I'm going to work on every project I have. We'll see how long that lasts...

Remote sensing is my favourite class. The first day we learned why the sky is blue, whcih I kind of already knew (ie. light scattering on particles in the atmosphere), but not to the extent of why blue and not some other colour. Although my friend tells me that we learned this in high school geography...minor detail. Another perk is that my prof is Australian and hilarious, which makes listening to him all the more interesting and means that I don't zone out every 20 minutes (the threshold for the human attention span). The actual subject matter is pretty fantastic as well; I love messing around on the computer with technology I barely understand! I usually end up understanding it a lot better than just if told what to do.

My fish class is pretty interesting, but very similar to the first fish class. Obviously it's more advanced, but the teacher's the same, so it kind of just feels like an extention of the third year course.

Conservation policy is...incredible aggravating. I like the prof, but most of the people in that class had him for "Foundations of Conservation" with me and hated him. I can kind of understand it, he tends to play Devil's advocate and bring up contentious issues. While I do find this interesting to a certain extent, people tend to personally attack him for this method and he just goes with their attacks, so that the class goes in circles and nothing gets resolved. For example, the past two classes all we've talked about his how we can never harm future generations because they don't exist yet. So, whatever policy we do create, be it good or bad, will change what future generation is created, but not harm that future generation in itself. See what I mean? Really interesting, but not worth 3 hours of discussion. Well, that's not entirely true... It's probably worth more discussion, but not within the scope of everything else we need to cover in the class.

Ok that's all for today, but I'll let you know about things other than school tomorrow :-)


  1. "My fish class is pretty interesting, but very similar to the first fish class." For some reason, that statement's hilarious :D.

  2. I think it's just the fact that I'm required to take two classes on fish that is hilarious...and by hilarious I mean "whaaa"/watch me have a career related to fish now
