Friday, January 29, 2010


I'm back in forestry...that break lasted significantly longer than intended. Oh, well I'll just have to read my next fish article extrafast.

The good news (kinda) is that I think I figured out where my U-pass could be. When I was coming to campus for the second time today. I was talking on the phone with a friend as the bus pulled up and I had the pass in my hand. Then the doors of the bus wouldn't open. The driver pushed a button and "pshhhh"...nothing. Again and "pshhhh"...nothing. "Pshhhh" nothing. So we were just staring at each other for a while with a confused look. And I'm trying to talk to my friend on the phone and mime communication to the bus driver through the door. I still had my U-pass at this point, but then I had to go to the back of the bus to get in and I was going to the front (still talking to my friend) and the bus driver waved me away, so I just sat down. But it was all very confusing and I think somewhere amidst the miming and talking and "pshhh"-ing and general sense of confusion, the pass was lost. Therefore, it's probably not at the UBC Carding office, but very possibly at the Translink Lost and Found, which I shall call tomorrow :-)

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