Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wha Bam Bam

You know when you go to a party and while trying to find the washroom, you instead find some random dude sitting in a room by himself? Yea, I’m that guy. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I’m folding laundry while watching Big Bang Theory.

Now, I have been told I am neglecting you people and that this makes me sound as if I am not having fun in SA. I hope to remedy that with this update.

I fell down the stairs the other day and now my elbow hurts. But it hurts less than yesterday, so I’m not complaining...despite appearances (this is a bad start in the remedy-ing department).

Last week my boss was away on vacation. This resulted in a less than optimum quantity of work being completed. On a happier note, this week has been shockingly efficient and I hope to finish the week on the same trend.

Another highlight of this week was new BFF teaching me how to play a game called Bao. I have been informed that this is akin to African chess, and I suppose this is valid as it requires thinking ahead many moves to anticipate those of your opponent. My brother, assuming he actually reads this, will know this game as the game you use to gain intelligence points at the training village in the not-so-popular-outside-of-my-house “Quest for Glory”.

I must now go socialize as my flat has become infested with people I don’t know...more on this week a bit later.


  1. Big Bang Theory RULES! I know you have been calling me AP but I'm usually not home on weekends in the recent times. That sucks about falling down the stairs *hugs*. And I suggest you buy a camera there, with a cord so you can post pictures. I am a visual person and I'm sure that how i am imagining these things happening is waaay off!! It is starting to get super hot here.. for Vancouver weather that is! Miss ya *kisses*

  2. We should organize a more accomodating time for me to call you :) *hug back* Thanks! Also, I have a camera here, I just don't have the ability to charge its battery. According to my Dad the battery charger is in the mail and will arrive some time within the next month :) Can you wait that long? I'll try to post some pictures that I already have if I can gat past my laziness.
