An hour trough the border line up and an hour lost in traffic later, we arrive at the airport only to have missed the special baggage check-in by 7 minutes. Ok, it really sucks, but we can book another flight out leaving tomorrow...not so much. There's one leaving in two days for $1000 extra per ticket or the cost of the original return tickets. Let the fighting and consequent tears ensue!
After hours of this and finally grabbing something to eat, we decided to stay in Seattle over night and work on getting a better flight in the morning (apparently all the experienced people work the day shifts, so if you ever miss your flight, call the helpline in the daytime). We end up staying in the oh-so wittily named Sleep Inn with it's chemical infused rooms and exotic view of Seattle's finest trailer park. I don't mean to be unsympathetic towards the plight of it's inhabitants, but there are people all over the world who live in trailer parks and shanty towns who maintain there yards and show pride in their, hopefully temporary, homes.
Anyway, after a fitfilled night of something resembling sleep in every way, except sight, sound, smell, taste and feel, we woke up to the joy of waiting on hold for hours trying to arrange a new flight with Delta. The lovely people on the other end of the line were very helpful and we were able to book a new, albeit convoluted, route to Dublin. We leave Seattle tomorrow for Atlanta and should arrive (fingers crossed and hold thumbs) in Dublin on the 11th.
So, today was spent in Seattle and we'll just have to chock that up to an extended and unexpected addition to my graduation gift; I'll just have to cycle faster in the motherland.
Our Seattle adventures were experienced through the bleary, swollen eyes of last night's sleep. We visited Madison Market for lunch and a little grocery shopping. I still hold that chocolate cake is at it's best when vegan! Then booked into the Mayflower Park Hotel, the staff of which were lovely and helped me carry a giant bike box into their storage area. Then we went on to explore the famous Pike Place Market and see the first ever Starbucks. History in the making ;-) Ending the pleasant, but from hour one exhausting day @ our hotel restaurant.
I now write to you from the hotel lounge sipping a very Irish coffee and hoping the server comes by to dilute it with the caffinated beaverage Seattle has helped make famous. Salut!
OMG I can't believe you missed the check in for your bike! why did you just buy a bike in ireland? So are you staying in Seattle until the 11th?
ReplyDeleteBtw please don't ever call ireland the motherland again.
I was originally intending to buy a bike in Ireland, but people talked me out of it saying I didn't want to waste time looking for a bike while I was in Ireland. Also, I called the airline and they said it would be free to ship the bike provided that I didn't bring any other bags. This, of course, turned it to be a horrendous lie and they charged me $200 to ship my $175, 10 year old bike!
ReplyDeleteWe stayed in Seattle until 10th, flew to Atlanta that evening and arrived in Dublin early on the 11th.
I shall contine to call Ireland the motherland just because it annoys you ;-)
Peace from the motherland,