Thursday, March 18, 2010

I love my country

I'm currently banning myself from the internet, but I just learned something that I feel needs to be shared.

If you Google "hot Canadian prime ministers" (don't ask) the first thing that comes up is the wikipedia entry on poutine...



  1. :D

    "hot new zealand prime ministers", on the other hand, is taken quite seriously.

  2. BANNING yourself from the internet??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!
    ahhh, I close my eyes and imagine a world where I once more have reliable, fast internet. sigh.

    what you found is epic, though :)

    miss you!!!

  3. And this is why people from New Zealand rock!

    Andi, you'll get used to having unreliable internet. I did :-) It's kind of nice to be able to ban yourself from it's fun aspects for a month. I got a lot of shit done, but now I have so many emails to get caught up on! Yikes!
