Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Million

A mother dies trying to save her baby boy.
A martyr dies for his cause.
And we weep.
And we feel the pain of their love as we love.

A million people die in a flood in China.
A million people are killed in gas chambers in Europe.
And we wait.
And we remain unaffected by their love.

How can you comprehend the deaths of millions?
How can one alone be greater?

We want to cry.
We want to be upset.
Because we know we should be.
Because we want to understand.

A million people can't die.
A million people don't even exist.
It's all a corporate scam.
It's all a conspiracy theory.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I love my country

I'm currently banning myself from the internet, but I just learned something that I feel needs to be shared.

If you Google "hot Canadian prime ministers" (don't ask) the first thing that comes up is the wikipedia entry on poutine...
