Sunday, September 13, 2009

words to live by

I went out for lunch today in an attempt to slow my reading of Spud (by John van de Ruit). On my way home I decided to stop in at the bookstore and see if there was anything new and exciting in there. While I was browsing around this guy and his wife came in, only to reveal to me some of the best advice a stranger has given me...

Guy: opens some reference book on famous authors to F. Scott Fitzgerald's entry and a picture not unlike the one to follow, bursts out laughing and shows his wife before enlightening myself

Me: laughing That's fantastic! And to think he was the playboy of his time.

Guy: nodding knowingly Yea, never trust a guy with a center part.


  1. I didn't know FSF was a playboy.
    Also, my centre part is awesome.

  2. Maybe he wasn't. Now that you point it out, I don't remember ever reading that anywhere, I just kinda assumed 'cause he seemed like the type....must have been the hair...

    Also, no.
