Has anyone else read the 1960's classic, The Naked Ape? I just finished it a couple days ago. My favourite part was the advice he gave his readers for the next time we get pulled over by the cops, which I will now proceed to copy and paste below...
"If...an attitude of abject submission is adopted, it will become increasingly difficult for the police officer to avoid a sensation of appeasement. A total admission of guilt based on sheer stupidity and inferiority puts the policeman into a position of immediate domination from which it is difficult for him to attack. Gratitude and admiration must be expressed for the efficiency of his action in stopping you...Fear and submission in both body posture and facial expression must be clearly demonstrated. Above all, it is essential to get quickly out of the car and move away from it towards the policeman. He must not be allowed to approach you, or you have forced him to go out of his way and thereby threatened him...By leaving the car you therefore shed both your territorial rights and your dominant seated position, and put yourself into a suitable weakened state for the submissive actions that follow. Having stood up, however, it is important not to brace the body erect, but to crouch , lower the head slightly and generally sag. The tone of voice is as important as the words used. Anxious facial expressions and looking away movements are also valuable and a few displacement self-grooming activities can be added for good measure."
*sigh* it didn't start out too badly...
Side note: I went to the art gallery yesterday and learned how to weave. It's super cool and a lot easier/more time-consuming than I thought it would be. If I wasn't so lazy I think I might take it up.
"Has anyone else read the 1960's classic, The Naked Ape?"
ReplyDeleteMy guess is, if it's from the 60's and you have to ask that question, 'classic' is slightly optimistic.
I have heard of it, though. Let me know if it's a good read.
I would say that since you've heard of it, classic is a fair assessment. It was pretty revolutionary at the time. It was good; worth reading, but take it with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteFair point. Then again, I probably heard of it from you, so I'm not sure it counts.