Saturday, December 13, 2008

"This waterpark is located on an ancient, sacred Mayan site"

For some reason all of is in German for me except this page...odd.

My mom and I took the red-eye flight to Mexico and arrived yesterday morning at around 8:30. This must have been the first flight I´ve taken in 10 years where they actually gave us a was a horrible meal, but there was food and cutlery (even little plastic knives)! Unfortunately, the last thing you want to do when you get on a plane at 1:30 in the morning is have a full meal and sit with the lights on for 6 hours trying to digest it. The meal consisted of balls of processed chicken byproduct covered in flour and deepfried then dipped in a sugary presumably sour syrup with soggy rice in the same syrup fried with an unknown cubed white vegetable. And for dessert to follow the tradition of "Asian cuisine" was a fortune cookie.

The fortune cookie is probably my favourite part. Ok work with me on this one...shut your eyes and imagine your flying to a tropical destination, ok stop and go get a friend to read this for you....i´ll wait here....hi, friend! ok now shut your eyes and imagine. So you´re all relaxed and excited for being more relaxed and then you get a fortune sweet, you love fortune cookies. Your neighbours open theirs; "You will soon feel the sun caress your face", "You are going on vacation". Awww the airline made them all travel related to ensure that the fortunes of their lovely clientele will come true. Then with fingers trembling with excitement you open yours; "You will soon be gently rocking in the sea". IN!!! the sea?!?!? and how soon? The last thing you want to hear if you have any concern that the plane you are on could make a detour into the sea, is that you will soon be gently rocking in said sea.

Oh and we met this security guard at the bus station in Playa del Carmen, who essentially told us his life story...I´m so sad his potential future girlfriend left the country to pursue her singing career right after he lost his job. Some people are so inconsiderate.


  1. Yay! So happy that you're gonna write all about your aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadventures. And don't worry... all good trips start off badly, it's just the way it goes. No fun trip that I've been on has EVER started smoothly or pleasantly. Happy trekking, and don't forget to take lots of pictures! (and remember to have people in them.... constant scenic shots are ALWAYS boring... no matter how cool the place is, haha)

    April is away
    She's high on Vitamin D
    Cartoons rock my world

  2. Huh, so much for daily updates. :).

    Hope you're having fun, by the way, cause we're a friggin' blast up here :).

  3. Hey! There would be daily updates if there was daily computer know, for a while, then I'll get bored of it :P
